Per leggere questo testo in italiano:
Termini di utilizzo
Terms of use
The site (the “Site”) is property of Italdesign-Giugiaro S.p.A. (“Italdesign”) a company with sole shareholder belonging to the VW/Audi Group – with registered office in Torino, via S. Quintino 28, Italy.
Italdesign – Giugiaro S.p.A.
with a Sole Shareholder subject to management and coordination of AUDI AG.
Headquarter: Via Achille Grandi, 25 10024 Moncalieri, Torino, Italy
T +39 011 689 1611 | F +39 011 689 1299
Registered Office: Via San Quintino, 28 10121 Torino, Italy
Fully paid-up share capital of euro 75.000.000 | I.V.R.E.A. TO 982503 | VAT 08555070013 | REG. IMPR. TO 08555070013
Intellectual property rights
The content of the Site – including but not limited to information, data, software, photographs, graphics, videos, backgrounds, fonts, graphic design, music, sounds, images, illustrations, drawings, icons, text – is Italdesign’s and/or third parties’ property and it is copyrighted.
The duplication, reproduction (even partial), downloading, saving, publication or distribution by any means, and more generally any action involving transfer or use of the information or material published on the site, in any form, using either existing or future technologies, is prohibited without express written authorization from the legitimate owner.
The trademarks, brands and logos, whether registered or unregistered, which appear on the Site are the sole property of Italdesign and/or third parties, therefore their use and/or reproduction is forbidden without the prior written consent of the owner.
General Limit of Responsibility
The information, software and services included or available on the Site may contain errors or inaccuracies.
Information is updated periodically. Italdesign and/or its providers reserve the right to make improvements and/or changes to the Site and/or services at any time.
Italdesign and/or its providers do not make any warranty or declaration concerning the appropriateness, reliability, availability, timeliness, lack of viruses/malware or any other components which may cause damages, or regarding the accuracy of the information, the software, the services and corresponding graphical material contained on the Site and/or the services offered.
In no case shall Italdesign and/or its providers be held liable for direct or indirect, punitive, incidental, special or secondary damages or for any kind of losses, including loss of use, data or profits, deriving from or in any way connected to the use or execution of the Site, delays with or inability to use the Site or corresponding services, the supply or lack of supply of services, or any information, software, products, service and corresponding graphics obtained via the Site.
In no case shall Italdesign and its directors, managers, employees or contractors be held responsible for injuries, losses, claims or damages, incidental or indirect of any type, based on contracts, illicit actions or other, deriving from or in any way connected with the use of the Site in a manner which does not comply with the terms and conditions provided herein, even if Italdesign has been informed of the possibility of that damage.
A link to a website does not constitute endorsement by Italdesign of that Site or the products and services contained in it.
Links to other websites
The Site contains references to services supplied by third parties and links to third-party websites.
Italdesign provides no guarantees and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the information and other contents provided by third parties or available on third-party websites.
Italdesign is not liable for the content, availability, operation or execution of any other website to which the Site may link, or which may be accessible from the Site.
Third-party content and sections
The Site contains sections, and/or services managed or provided by third parties.
Italdesign takes no responsibility for the legality, truthfulness, accuracy, completeness or any other characteristic of the services or sections of the Site managed by third parties.
Responsibility for the contents of the services or Site sections, including the ownership and right to use the texts, images, photographs, music, videos or anything else lies exclusively with the aforesaid third parties. Any claims concerning the contents of the services or sections of the Site managed or provided by third parties should be addressed exclusively to the corresponding authors or suppliers.
Hosting Service
The Site is hosted on the platform.
Detailed information regarding type of cookies used and how to prevent them from being installed on User’s computer can be found on the Cookie Policy page.
Privacy Protection
Italdesign is committed to respecting the privacy and security of the visitors or users of the Site (the “User”). Data which is voluntarily communicated by the User to Italdesign via the Site shall be handled with maximum care and with all tools necessary to guarantee its security, in full respect of Italian and European privacy legislation and as specified in the Privacy Policy page.
Suspension of the Service
Italdesign may, at its sole discretion and at any moment, terminate or suspend User access to all or part of the Site.
Entire Agreement
These terms and conditions represent the whole agreement between the User and Italdesign concerning the use of the Site and supersede any previous declaration or agreement.
Italdesign may, at any moment and at its sole discretion, modify the terms and conditions provided herein and publish new terms and conditions on this Site, which shall apply as of their publication. Use of the Site by the User shall be regulated by the terms and conditions published on the Site at the time of such use.
Applicable law and competent court
These terms and conditions are regulated by the Italian law.
Any dispute arising from or in connection with these terms and conditions shall be the exclusive competence of the Court of Turin, Italy.