Indispensable friends in the kitchen, the range of highly versatile and “fresh” looking Dem food-storage containers send out to consumer impulses a message evoking timeless quality.
Taking into account all those problems faced by the end-user, such as cleanliness, air– and liquid-tight seal and easy storage on kitchen shelves, focus was steered towards clean-cut forms.
Semi-transparent materials were used for the container, so that whatever is stored inside can be easily seen, crowned by a good-to-feel rubber top assuring tighter-than-tight seal.
One other highlight was research into the soft “sound” emitted when the top is sealed. Strongly appreciated by consumers, this ingenious add-on touch pushes through a pastel, sterile and suburban feeling and enhances perception of the quality-imbued product.
The series was implemented later by countless versions, with or without top-encased dosimeter, in innumerable sizes and shapes.